By Madeline Alvarez, Editor-In-Chief

If you’re looking to participate in a sport this fall, the Newman Disc Golf Club may be for you.
Junior Steven Nguyen said that he got the club going after playing the game with a group of friends over the summer.
“Disc golf was something that I wasn’t too into a while ago…I thought it was kind of weird,” Nguyen said. “But then, especially during quarantine, I got bored, and I figured, ‘What can I do that's outdoorsy, and doesn't have to be super close to people?’ So yeah, I picked up disc golf.”
Nguyen said the club has 23 members.
One member, Sophomore Kenny Wright, whom Nguyen described as the club’s best player, said that Nguyen contacted him and asked him to join when he learned that Wright played.
Wright said that he played the sport over the summer but not with the Newman group since he’s from Oklahoma and was not in Wichita until the fall semester started.
Wright has been playing disc golf since December 2019.
“Once the quarantine started…that's when I really started playing a lot…this summer,” he said.
Nguyen said that disc golf started to gain popularity across the nation over the summer due to quarantine.
“The sport itself…went from being a small ‘hippie sport’ to being televised on TV and having thousands and thousands of people either come spectate or watch on YouTube Live,” Nguyen said. “We just want to grow the sport, grow in community and fraternity through disc golf.”
Nguyen said those interested in joining should just go for it, even if they don’t have much experience.
“We're obviously not the best but we'll give advice, and as long as you practice with us, you're bound to get better,” he said.
PHOTO: Murphy Obershaw, A&E Editor.