By: Tejay Cleland, Editor-In-Chief

The student government groups from three Wichita colleges — Newman, Wichita State University and Friends University — are coming together to form a “Cross Campus Coalition” whose aim is to get the student bodies of each university involved in the Wichita community.
Vanessa Rials, Director of Multicultural Engagement and Campus Life, said that the initiative is beneficial because it not only helps the universities plan events in the community together but also allows the different student governments to compare ideas for their respective programs.
Rials said that the coalition will provide great opportunities for the schools’ student organizations to be able to connect with the community.
“We’re all in the same city, but we’re all very different,” she said. “Each campus has its different culture and challenges and goals. But ultimately, when you bring these students together in the same room, you can see the similarities more than you can see the differences. So it’s nice to see different campuses coming together that are so close to one another trying to give students the opportunities for their voices to be heard.”
A representative from each school’s student government will meet periodically throughout the semester and the student governments in their entirety will meet once a semester.
Rials said that all three universities are focused on civic engagement throughout the community.
There will be a signing ceremony for the initiative at 7 p.m. tonight in the John Bardo Center on Wichita State’s campus. The ceremony will include speeches from all three student body presidents as well as from Wichita Mayor Brandon Whipple.
PHOTO: Courtesy Photo, University Relations