By: Austin Schwartz, Staff Writer

My initial intention behind writing this article was to express my fears and frustrations for the future of Newman University. But after witnessing the inauguration ceremony of President Kathleen Jagger last week, I’m reminded of the hope and potential that this university has to offer. I think it would be in the best interest of the students and the university to share both sides as we move forward.
We all know that our university is not in the best shape financially, and one of my greatest frustrations last week was wondering about where we put that money: I thought Newman paid for the events of inauguration week. But I stood corrected when during President Jagger’s speech, she gave recognition to those who made the event possible, saying: “I’d like to thank the donors who provided the events of inauguration week. It wasn’t in our budget.”
I was immediately astonished. To me, this means that President Jagger did not want to use Newman funds on her own inauguration, presumably because the students could benefit from them being used elsewhere.
I’ve always had hope since Jagger joined the Newman family and have respected her based on her student interactions and initiatives. We were blessed to have so many wonderful speakers at the inauguration to remind us what this University’s purpose is.
“Newman is a place students go to grow academically and spiritually,” Mayor Brandon Whipple said during the inauguration ceremony, “and professors go to help students find their calling.”
From my experience at Newman, I can confirm this statement. I have not had a single bad professor in my time at Newman and have spent time in one-on-one meetings with almost every one who has taught me. They don’t just want to see us grow academically. They also want us to grow into responsible, mature adults. Our professors care about more than just our education: They care about our lives.
I have no doubt in the members of our administration as they are moving forward with what they hope and intend to be the best decisions for the students and university.
However, they can only know how or what to change based on the voices of the students. I know many of us accept things for what they are and see change as unlikely but we have the right to make requests and for our voices to be heard — to express our thoughts and let our superiors know what our worries are. Only then can they recognize the changes that students want.
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