
After incident, security director reminds students to be aware

By Anna Corbett, Staff Writer

The Newman community can take a valuable lesson from an incident that brought a noticeable police presence to campus, said Steve Patton, director of security;

If you see something, say something.

Patton said that the incident happened just before 10 a.m. on Tuesday. He was out on patrol around campus when he got a call saying that personal property had been stolen from Sacred Heart Hall.

Soon after, Patton got a call from a student who reported seeing a suspicious character near the Dugan Library. Patton located the person the student described and observed him until Wichita Police officers arrived on campus and took him into custody, Patton said.

The person whose belongings were taken got them back. No one was hurt, Patton said, and there was never any threat to the student body.

Patton, who before coming to Newman worked in law enforcement for 27 years with the Wichita Police Department, said that the suspect was not known to the Newman campus.

Patton said incidents such as these are not common occurrences on campus, but he feels there is a lesson to be had. He said he is grateful for the students who recognized that the person was out of place and called. Without their help, as well as the help from staff, the situation could’ve ended much differently, he said.

“If you see something that doesn't seem right, trust your instincts,” Patton said.

He said that although cameras have been installed on certain parts of campus that register cars as they pass through, students should still be vigilant.

Patton expressed the importance of students surveying their surroundings to ensure they don’t

become targets of those looking for a moment of opportunity. He said students should make sure all car doors are locked and that valuables are hidden. They should not walk around campus looking at a phone or with headphones in.

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