
Schedule leaves no time to breathe after turkey dinner

By Matthew Fowler, Managing Editor

Normally, Newman students come back from Thanksgiving break and have at least one week of class before finals start. 

But this year, thanks to a strange calendar, that won’t happen: When students leave for Thanksgiving, the regular semester will be over and finals will be waiting for them when they return.

The weird blip is causing a few issues at Newman – beyond the fact that students may have to study for finals after Thanksgiving dinner.

Scholars Day this year is Dec. 2 and finals week is Dec. 3-6. These dates immediately follow Thanksgiving break, scheduled for Nov. 27-29. The six-week winter break will be from Dec. 7 to Jan. 18. 

Newman’s academic calendar is constructed five years in advance, said Jill Fort, Newman’s Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs. The school sets dates for fall events based on when Labor Day is, and it tries to align Newman’s schedules with those of other academic institutions in the area.

“Since the Fall of 2020, the start date for the fall semester has been two weeks prior to Labor Day with Labor Day Monday falling at the beginning of the third week of classes,” Fort said.  “Therefore, the fall schedule is contingent on when Labor Day falls.”

One of the departments affected by this year’s calendar is the music department. It had to cancel its yearly Christmas concert, which normally falls in early December. This year, when choir members visit the ASC sisters, they will sing songs from the fall concert. Normally, they’d sing a selection from the Christmas show.

Deanne Zogleman, the director of the music department, said that the Christmas concert is an opportunity every year for the music department to reach out to high school students by hosting them for rehearsals and to spread Christmas joy.

“I am saddened that there will not be a Christmas concert, as that is always a special time of year for the music department,” Zogleman said.

The theatre department will host its major productions before Thanksgiving break and will put on its end-of-semester performances either before Thanksgiving break or during the week of finals.

Athletics events will continue as normal this year, but home games for men’s and women’s basketball and wrestling that are held during the breaks are expected to have lower spectator attendance, said Joanna Pryor, athletic director.

She encouraged students, faculty and the other members of Newman’s community who will remain in the Wichita area to show their support for the teams and attend the events.

“Come to the games,” Pryor said. “We would love to have you. I think that when you are the one competing, you understand how important it is to have people behind you, cheering you on, and it definitely makes a difference.”

Another event that will be altered is the semesterly Breakfast and Bingo, which is hosted by the Campus Activities Board and usually happens on the Sunday night before the week of finals. This semester, the event will instead happen on Monday, Dec. 2, the evening of Scholar’s Day.

Joshua Schoenecker-Prilliman, the director of student activities and CAB’s advisor, said that the way the schedule is constructed for the end of the semester could actually provide an opportunity for students to tie up first semester obligations and get ready for the spring semester.

“You are going to have almost two months’ worth of break,” Schoenecker-Prilliman said. “Get some sleep, eat, and take care of yourself while on these breaks. If you have a hobby, this is going to be a great two months to really put some time into it. If you need to study for other things or if you need the kind of life plan, plan for some things and look forward down the road but enjoy it … because if you stress so much over that break and if you are not putting time into yourself, it is going to be hard to come back.”

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