By: Reiley Bartel, Online Editor
Student Life is putting on a visual art competition, and any Newman student can
participate. The competition features a $250 prize that will be split among the
top three winners.
Daniel Cubias, a second year pre-med student, had the idea for the new
competition and
By: Alexis Stallard, Editor-in-Chief
Newman baseball has been following a unique tradition for the past several
years. Every Sunday night, a few of the players eat dinner with their head
coach, Drew Maus, and his family.
The tradition started when Maus joined the team in August 2019 as a way
By: Matthew Revels, Sports Editor
Let’s discuss the holiday of Thanksgiving. In 1621, the colonists of Plymouth
and the Wampanoag Native Americans shared a feast. The pilgrims would have
starved and died without the aid and assistance of the natives because they did
not know how to harvest and
By: Alexis Stallard, Editor-in-Chief
Dean of students Sara Mata will be leaving Newman at the end of this semester,
less than a year after taking over the position.
An application for the position will be posted within the next few weeks, said
Newman President Kathleen Jagger.
Newman is sad to
By: Alexis Stallard, Editor-in-Chief
The leaders of a potential pro-life club at Newman are preparing to resubmit
their application to be accepted as an official club after their application was
rejected by the Student Government Association at the end of October.
This week, SGA president Ian Lecki explained why SGA’