By: Tyler Push, Sports Editor
In its first matchup of the year, Newman’s women’s basketball team fell to the
Wayne State Wildcats at home. The final score was 72-65, but one Jet set a new
school record.
With her 27 points, junior guard Tiffany Dortland, Barton Community College
By: Ty Wilson, Staff Writer
When you think of Thanksgiving, what are some of the first images that pop into
your head? Being with family and friends, the classic Thanksgiving dinner,
perhaps a backyard football game? All of these are what makes Thanksgiving such
a great time to be around
By: Madeline Alvarez, Managing Editor
“Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home” is Pope Francis’ first encyclical,
which is a papal letter sent to all Catholic bishops. It was published in 2015,
and Francis wrote it to remind the faithful of their duty to care for the earth.
By: Brenden Schwartz, Staff Writer
Great Western Dining and Newman’s Student Government Association have reached a
compromise regarding food at on-campus club events.
Food services director Chris Heck and SGA recently agreed that clubs that are
providing food for 50 people or fewer would be allowed to purchase food
By: Tejay Cleland, Editor-In-Chief
Sophomore Evert Hastie has been a member of Breakthrough, a social service
organization based in Wichita that serves the special needs community, since
2007. Now, Hastie is starting a theatre program within Breakthrough for members
to participate in.
Breakthrough hosts events regularly for its members, and