By Victor Dixon, Editor-in-Chief
A robust community exists in the Wichita area that people are often surprised to hear about, even those who would fit right into it,
It’s the DIY alternative music scene.
I have been actively participating in this space for around two years, and it is
By Victor Dixon, Editor-in-Chief
Newman University will soon add boxes of a drug known to stop opioid overdoses to each emergency AED box on campus.
On Feb. 13th, Newman’s Student Government Association passed a resolution that will place a two-dose box of nasally administered Naloxone, also known over-the-counter as
By Grace Long, Guest Writer
Anna Waggoner, Newman’s new Mental Health Project Coordinator, has organized several mental health service events this semester for students to attend. Information about these events can be found on Jet Broadcast, flyers around campus, the front desk at the Student Success Center, and on
By Matthew Fowler, A&E Editor
Will a Friends University or Wichita State University student win the Gaming Club UNO Tournament?
Or will a Newman student be able to hold them off?
The Gaming Club, one of Newman University’s newest student organizations, will host a revamped interuniversity UNO
By Victor Dixon, Editor-in-Chief
March’s featured artist in Newman’s Steckline Gallery is Cary Conover, a longtime photographer and adjunct photography professor at Newman, who will be presenting his project “Looking In: Photographs from the Kansas Border.”
Conover said he started the project during the pandemic in the hope