By: Tejay Cleland and Madeline Alvarez, Editor-In-Chief and Managing Editor
The Sloppy Joes Improv Troupe’s edible fundraiser is back on campus. The improv
group is hosting a soup sale every Wednesday in the hallway of DeMattias’ lower
Sloppy Joes Captain Brenden Schwartz said funds will go towards the
By: Tejay Cleland, Editor-In-Chief
Sophomore Evert Hastie has been a member of Breakthrough, a social service
organization based in Wichita that serves the special needs community, since
2007. Now, Hastie is starting a theatre program within Breakthrough for members
to participate in.
Breakthrough hosts events regularly for its members, and
By: Brenden Schwartz, Staff Writer
Love is in the air at Newman University.
A large number of the school’s population is in relationships, and several of
those couples are engaged.
So what’s it like to be a college student who’s engaged to be married?
Brittany Wesley is
By: Emily Hua, Staff Writer and Madeline Alvarez, Managing Editor
Newman’s Music Department typically performs a musical in the fall, but this
year, it will be put on in the spring. This year’s musical is called “Big Fish,”
and it will be staged in February.
“Big Fish” tells
By: Madeline Alvarez, Managing Editor
Are you wanting the opportunity to burn calories before the winter holidays
begin? Newman’s Campus Activities Board (CAB) is hosting a Field Day on
Wednesday with several games that will be sure to get your blood pumping.
Director of Student Activities Chris Mershon said