By Hope Eckley, Staff Writer
The third annual lip sync battle was full of break dancing, men in cheer
uniforms, and even one person running around with a horse costume on.
Five lip sync groups battled it out not only for a monetary prize but also for
the ultimate bragging
By Leanne Vastbinder, Opinions and Online Editor
During the month of October, it’s customary to stock up on apple cider or visit
a pumpkin patch or two. Some may even scout around the town for various haunted
houses or spooky attractions to get in the Halloween mood. To get
By Murphy Obershaw, Staff Writer
Being in a play requires some sacrifice. The actors in Newman’s production of
“The Dark at the Top of the Stairs” not only had to give up their free time, but
some of them also had to give up their hair.
Actors Lucas Farney,
By Murphy Obershaw, Staff Writer
Newman’s theater department will be performing the play “Dark at the Top of the
Stairs” in one week.
“Dark at the Top of the Stairs” is about the struggles of the Flood family.
Rubien Flood, played by Lucas Farney, is a traveling salesman, and
By Katie Smith, A&E Editor
Before school ended last year, Newman announced plans to form “living
communities” in the residence halls, and among them were communities for pet
owners, nursing students, biology majors and Catholic women.
The idea was that students with like minded interests might benefit from