For young adults of legal drinking age, Wichita’s nightlife is blooming as the city continues to grow and expand its collection of local breweries and nightclubs. As for those under 21 - not so much.
There may be hope on the horizon for students who are dissatisfied with having only one meal plan option at Newman. A task force that will discuss options for possible new meal plans may be forming soon, Jennifer Gantz, Vice President for Finance and Administration, said.
Asylum seekers leave everything they know behind, their home, their culture and their comfort. This sudden uproot can be a shock to the children having to leave everything they’ve known behind, but students at Newman are working to create some stability in the lives of the children.
The Steckline Gallery in the De Mattias Fine Arts Center is planning an exhibit that will explore the phenomenon of online dating, and it will be the first juried exhibit in Newman’s history.
Some students grab the essentials and move in. Others prefer to take it to the next level and a large number of these pinterest-board worthy rooms are located in Carrocci Hall.