On Friday, students got a lift to class on a golf cart, courtesy of the Student Government Association. Though the cart was found broken shortly after and currently awaits repairs, SGA senators hope to continue the service called “Free Ride Fridays” when the cart gets back up and running.
A well kept secret on campus allows students to mingle with faculty and staff over tasty treats.
Every second Tuesday of the month, the staff of Student Support Services has continued the tradition of Tasty Tuesday to help familiarize the students with the staff.
Having last appeared on stage in a Nativity play while in preschool, Father John Fogliasso is excited for his role as Father Alexandrios in Newman’s upcoming musical “Mamma Mia!”
Do you have a passion for communication? An appreciation for visual arts? An enthusiasm for live action roleplay? Then, one of these clubs on campus just might have something for you.
If you happened to see a goldfish flop into a drain pipe opening next to the street last week, Head Groundskeeper Darrin McKim said not to worry. He said they’re always in the drains, you just never see them.