By Kenzi Erxleben, Guest Writer
For the second year in a row, the Student Government Association presidential ballot will list only one candidate, who is running unopposed.
And for the second year in a row, that candidate is Alondra Valle, a junior who also served as SGA president this year.
By Gabriel Nunez, Guest Writer
The new security camera system that was installed on Newman University’s campus before the start of the 2023 fall semester has been extremely valuable for the school’s security team, said Stephen Patton, head of security.
Over the summer of 2023, SGA, the Newman
By Victor Dixon, Editor-in-Chief
Over spring break, Campus Ministry took a group of students to San Antonio to work alongside a nonprofit organization.
The Newman group has been hosting these annual Caritas Christi service trips for many years, and each year, a student minister – sophomore Nathan Galicia this year – helps
By Abigail VanNatta, Guest Writer
Sister Therese Wetta says her “first love” is Newman University, and she’s shown that in her long dedication to both the school and to the sisterhood.
Between missionary work and advancing her education, Wetta has consistently found her way back to Newman over the
By Matthew Fowler, A&E Editor
Queen today. Dentist tomorrow.
If you missed the homecoming basketball game or are new to Newman, you may not know much about this year’s homecoming queen, Elise Helfrich.
A senior, Helfrich had such a good experience with her own orthodontist, she decided