By: Austin Schwartz, Staff Writer

Next week, school will be out for the Thanksgiving holiday. But not every Newman student will get to go home.
Director of Residence Life Turner Middendorf said that 19 residents have said they have no plan to leave Wichita during the break. They’re a mix of athletes who must stay on campus to practice and international students who can’t travel all the way back home.
“Unlike Winter Break, the residence halls will remain open throughout all of Thanksgiving break,” he said.
Mabee Dining Center will operate under different hours throughout the break. On Wednesday, Nov. 24, and on Sunday, Nov. 28, they will operate with their usual brunch hours being 12-1 pm and 5-6 pm for lunch. The Food Services Director Chris Heck said he will be closing the cafeteria Nov. 25-27 for the Thanksgiving holiday. It will operate from noon to 1 p.m. and 5 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and Nov. 28. A traditional Thanksgiving meal will be served for lunch on Nov. 18. The cafeteria will be serving turkey, ham, stuffing, green beans and other traditional dishes, “it will be a typical Thanksgiving spread liable to change depending on stock.” Said Heck. Anyone who wishes to have the Thanksgiving meal on the 18th may come by the cafeteria and get the meal for $7 unless they are on the meal plan.
The cafeteria has a limited number of days they can be open a year. The days that are off are called board days. They decided to have board days over Thanksgiving break because they typically never had students come into the cafeteria during that time.
Residents who don’t have any plans for Thanksgiving will have a chance to celebrate the American holiday.
Head of Campus Security Mo Floyd said he is planning to prepare a meal at the Landing for residents who won’t make it home to their families over the holiday, and 14 students have said they plan to attend the dinner, which will be on Thanksgiving Day. He said that he wants students, especially international students, to know that they matter and that Newman is willing to be a home for them.
“First, it has got to be tough to attend school in another country, away from your main support group, and then be left alone for a holiday. I’d like these students to know that we haven’t forgotten about them and we do care,” he said. “Second, it’s just to provide for a basic need: food. College students are notoriously broke, tired and hungry and there’s only so much ramen a person can eat when the cafeteria is closed down,” Floyd said.
Floyd said he doesn’t know what he will prepare for dinner that evening. Last year, he provided a taco bar with guacamole, salsa and chips.
PHOTO: Courtesy Photo, University Relations