By: Brenden Schwartz, Staff Writer
The Steckline Gallery’s current exhibit, called “What’s NU,” features works by
Newman faculty members. Professors Lisa Kellerby, Cary Conover, Shannon
Johnston, and Frank Martinez all have work on display.
Shannon Johnston, who is the director of the Steckline Gallery, located on the
By: Ty Wilson, Staff Writer
How hard would you work to earn a free pizza or a new coffee mug? For the
students of Newman, it could be as easy as finding a Muppet Baby figurine or a
toy animal hidden somewhere around campus.
Over the last four years, Security
By: Emily Hua, Staff Writer
Though Newman University reimposed a mask mandate on campus for the 2021 fall
semester, the theatre department has upcoming events, including a new play.
Newman University’s fall theatre production will include dinner and mystery.
The theatre department is putting on productions of David Landau’
By: Madeline Alvarez, Managing Editor
A group of Newmanites kept their creativity alive over the summer by writing and
producing a short film, “Leaves of the Ficus.”
The story follows twin brothers Theo and Ben, their partners Iris and Robin, and
their friend Willow, who represents a Mother Nature type
By: Austin Schwartz, Staff Writer
I’m Austin Schwartz, one of the captains of the Sloppy Joes, and we would like
you to join us.
The Sloppy Joes are an improv team at Newman University. As a troupe, we perform
once a month (and sometimes more) for the Newman community.