By Murphy Obershaw, A&E Editor
The 2020 edition of Newman’s literary journal, Coelacanth, was released on
The release was held in Jabara Flexible Theatre and was attended by the students
who edited the journal, students who were published in the journal, English
faculty, friends and family.
By Murphy Obershaw, A&E Editor
There have been a lot of changes in 2020 due to COVID-19. One of the biggest
changes that we have yet to experience is how people spend their holidays.
With the holiday season coming up, people are starting to figure out their
By Madeline Alvarez, Editor-In-Chief
Long-time Newman community members will remember the annual Christmas party
hosted each year by SGA for senators and students alike.
Since COVID-19 has changed a lot of things this year, such as pushing classes
online from the week of Thanksgiving break through the end of the
By Luis Martinez, Guest Writer
A memorial stone honoring the legacy of two Newman students who died in 1995
sits behind the maintenance building waiting for a new home on campus, though it
seems unclear when that might happen.
The stone was removed from the area where the new Bishop
By Hadassah Umbarger, Staff Writer
We’ve all had to have awkward or frustrating conversations with friends and
family, whether it’s about politics or another issue.
Last week, Dr. Audrey Hane, professor of communication, spoke to students in the
Honors Program on one of her areas of expertise: “The